Leonard Kahn, Germany, ca. 1910
This is a small booklet (15 x 19.5 cm) issued by Leonhard Kahn, a store in Frankfurt am Main, possibly as a gift to his customers. It features a double-page game of goose and four smaller roll-and-move games, one of which represents a cycling race.
As far as I know, the Kahn family was forced to sell in the time of the Third Reich. It is mentioned in Benno Nietzel's book "Handeln und Überleben: Jüdische Unternehmer aus Frankfurt am Main 1924 - 1964" (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen : 2012). In Frankfurt's Jewish Museum website there is an image of a later promotional game by Leonhard Kahn.
The cycling game is featured on a single page. It measures thus just 19.5 x 15 cm, probably smaller that the size of the image on your screen (unless you are seeing this page on a mobile phone).
By the looks of the riders and the pacing motorbikes, I would say this game was made before WWI.
The car depicted in the bottom left corner is also pre-WWI.
The star of the booklet is this game of goose, which is printed with two colours (plus black) and is displayed over two pages.
Another pre-WWI car
Hunting-themed game of goose
"Bedouin" game
Ladders game.
Back of the booklet
Thanks Stephan for the tip on this one!