December 2020
Happy Christmas everybody.
Not many games have been released in 2020, sadly, specially before summer. However, activity slowly resumes in the cycling games' world, as is proved by the three recent games featured in this update. By the way, speaking of recent releases: You may have read in the press that a semi-official pro-cycling-themed Monopoly game has been recently released in Belgium. For those of you who wonder why it is not on this website, let me reassure you. It eventually will be featured here. Just do not be hurried ;-.) Instead, I have discovered an alternative Monopoly game which I present in the unpublished games section; and there was already another (unofficial) cycling Monopoly game in this site anyway.This year's Christmas present is a new set of cut-up cyclists (and other elements) with which you will be able to make your own 90's-flavored cycling race. Just follow the "Construye tu carrera de bicicletas" link, and then click on the sheets' images to download two ready to print-cut-and-paint sets of figurines, or else access them through the "make your own game" section.
Construye tu carrera de bicicletas (Pelikan, Spain, 1995)
Vuelta a España card deck (Fournier, Spain, 1990s)
Le jeu des petits vélos (Bee Happy / Cofidis, France, 2020)
Roll'Cube Tour de France (Éric Mathivet & Myriam Thouet / Solar Éditions, France, 2020)
Cycling Mishaps / Famous Cyclists / Tour de France (Brainy Bikers, UK, 2020)Ciclo Poly (Rossella Ottaviani/Paola Chiarolini, Italy, 2013) (unpublished)
Tour de France (unknown, France, 1980s) (unpublished)
Tour de Suisse variation (unknown) (unpublished)
Comment jouer avec ses cyclistes miniatures (unpublished)Rewritten:
Le jeu du Tour de France (Marc Moallic/Le Journal de Toto, France, 1937)
Jeu des 7 équipes (Cofidis, France, ca. 2019)
Bikee (C.W. Faulkner & Co, UK, 1899)
Il Giuoco del Giro d’Italia (E.R.P., Italy, 1950)
Radrennen / Velodrom (Heinz Fritzsche/Sport-Spiele, Germany, ca. 2000)
October 2020
Of course not many games (if any) have been published during the lockdowns but, on the other hand, there has been a greater-than-average activity in the unpublished games world. Creativity cannot be locked down.
Fröhliche Ferienfahrt mit dem Blendax-Max. Fahrt Ihr mit? (Blendax, Germany, 1954)
Pedal Power (Jürgen Winzer / Bravo Sport, Germany, 2001)
Bicycle Race (Sebastian Bleasdale, Good Little Games, UK, 2013)
Jeu des 7 équipes (Cofidis, France, ca. 2019)
Jeu de 32 cartes Tour de France 2019 (Senseo, France, 2019)
Ventoux (David Sachs) (unpublished)
3D Bikes (Ribergraf) (unpublished)
Stages (Douglas Boyce III, 2018) (unpublished)
Tour d'Flick (Kickstarter) (unpublished)
De Ronde Van Frankrijk (unpublished)
Cycling Card Game 2015 (unpublished)
Cycling, a fascinating game (J.W.S&S, Germany / England, 1890s)
Wieler Sport-Spel (J. Vlieger / De Lage Landen, Netherlands, 1891 / 1972)
Juego de Salón Vuelta Ciclista a España (Spain, 1940s)
Giro d'Italia e di Francia (Sam Milano, Italy, 1950) (used to be "Giro di Francia")
Die Tour (Christa & Klaus Rudiger/Olaf Liesendfeld Spiele, Germany, 1981)
Cyclo (Dirk Donvil / Lotto, Belgium, 2000s)
Le Velodrome (GMFR, France, 1940s?)
Radrennen / Velodrom (Heinz Fritzsche/Sport-Spiele, Germany, ca. 2000)
Arrivée (Antonin Šrajer/Tonygames/Liglass Trading, Czech Rep., 2011)
Flamme Rouge (Asger Sams Granerud / Lautapelit, Danmark / Finland, 2016): unofficial automatic track generator
Visions of Rainbows (Jason McDowell, USA) (unpublished)
May 2020
Poulidor on the home trainer (picture by Pascal Orsini)
As we wait for the cycling season to resume, I keep the promise I made a few weeks ago to give away a free print-and-play game. Actually, I did not exactly make a promise, in case I could not keep it, but in my mind it was. For quite a long time I have been thinking of making a p'n'p edition of Maillot Arc En Ciel, the game we created in 2006, but I just never found the time. I missed the chance in 2016 (10th anniversary of the physical limited edition of the game). I thought I would try again for the 15th anniversary (which is next year) but this lockdown has given me the opportunity to do it. Of course it would have been better to have the game ready at the beginning of the home confinement, so you would have had something new to play, but then you could not have invited your friends to come over. I have decided not to rewrite the rules, though I was tempted to simplify a couple of things, so the game is still for 3 to 6 players (better with 4 or 5) and not the easiest to play (you'd better check the free p'n'p games section of the site if you are looking for a game to play with young kids). Anyway, here it is at last:
While I was preparing the game, I have checked and updated a few links updated in the section "Make Your Own Game", just in case you feel creative ;-) I have also cleaned the general Links section, where broken links were piling up. Mostly these were links to old "official" cycling games sites that have been down for years, since a lot of cycling games are made in small runs, become unavailable after a few years, and so do their websites. That is why I always say that if you are interested in a game you should pick it as soon as possible. However, in the process of cleaning broken links I have been sadly surprised to discover that the invaluable HONGS website has disappeared. Does anyone know what happened to it?
A technical issue: A couple of years ago some browsers started to detect this site (among many others) as "not secure". As I wrote then (scroll down to "august 2018" for details) the site was perfectly safe to visit despite the warnings. However, in the last months my hosting provider has implemented HTTPS and SSL certificates and now most browsers detect the site as perfectly safe, as long as you use the https URL. So, even if the plain http version of the site is still perfectly safe, you may want to update your link to:
L'Arrivée du Tour (Gildas Fresneau,, 2020)
Send It! - The Mountain Biking Board Game (Syd and Macky, 2020) (unpublished)
Tour de Force (David Boon, 2017) (unpublished)
Maillot Arc-En-Ciel (Millatoner Games, Spain, 2006 / print'n'play version: 2020)
Jeu du Vélodrome (N.K. Atlas, France, 1900s)
Le Tour de France Cycliste (Dernieres Nouvelles, France, 1933)
Tour de France Cycliste (Plasman, France, 1960s)
Grande course Zig Zag à retardements (Sicolor, France, 1950s)
Pro Cycling Trumps (Jim McLeman/Pro Cycling Trumps, United Kingdom, 2014- )
Visions of Rainbows (Jason McDowell, USA) (unpublished)
March 2020
We hope you are all safe and well in the midst of all the chaos and disruption caused by the coronavirus outbreak. I am confined at home (as is almost everybody here) and probably I should try to give away some print-and-play freebie (I mean, something better that the p'n'p track that I have added to the site). I might eventually find time to do it. In the meantime, I have added a few games to my site.
By the way, this website started more than 15 years ago. Some game descriptions have not changed since they were uploaded to the site, but many other things have changed, not only technical issues as internet speed or web storage size, but also my knowledge of games. This makes that the description of some games might be outdated. Every once in a while I fully rewrite some of them and/or add/change/resize the pictures. For these, I have added a new category in this "what's new" page. As you can see below, I have described it as "rewritten", while I have renamed the other categories of changes as "added" and "updated".
I have also added the date when I wrote the description of the games at the end of each game's page, so adjectives like "new" or "recent" are put in context. I will try to add the date of writing retrospectively to the other games' descriptions.
Finally, a couple of news about games collectors websites:
First, the bad news. My friend Ludo Nauws has closed his cycling games website. SInce it was the only other website dedicated exclusively to cycling games, I will not have to compete to be "the best". Now I have the responsabily of being "the only". Ludo tells me that he is not collectiong games anymore, and that he has passed his collection to the cycling museum in Roeselare where they will exhibit alternately parts of the collection. Instead, you can check Ludo's paintings site, which includes a few cycling paintings.
Now, the good news. he board games expert and collector extraordinaire Bruce Whitehill has offered me a place on his website The Big Game Hunter so I could introduce my collection to his visitors. You can either browse his website (recommended), look on the left column index under “Collecting Games” and look for "Cycling Board Games" or go directly to the cycling games section by clicking here. He has added a few pictures and even a game not present on my site, so the visit is interesting even for those among you who know my site by heart.
Carrera Ciclista (Ramón Sabatés, Spain, ca. 1950)
De Ronde Van Vlaanderen (Kurt Wellens / Flandersclassics / Sporza, Belgium, 2020)
Dicycle Race (Pascal Hugonie/Pauline Detraz/Banana Smile, France, 2020)
Juego en bicicleta (, Spain, 2010s)
Visions of Rainbows (Jason McDowell, USA) (unpublished)
Juego de Carrera Ciclista (Fher, Spain, 1969)
Tour de Suisse (A. Berger / H.A. Bosch, Switzerland, 1935)
Jeu du Tour de France (Imprimerie Charaire, 1924)
Tour de France (Fernel, UK, ca 1964)
Cycling, a fascinating game (J.W.S&S, Germany / England, 1890s)
Wheeling (J. Jaques & Son, London, 1896)
Wieler Sport-Spel (J. Vlieger / De Lage Landen, Netherlands, 1891 / 1972)
December 2019
We present four board games issued in the last few weeks. It's been ages since we did not have so many almost-simultaneous releases in the cycling games' world! We also present a batch of older card games and a few other additions to the site. Enjoy.
Games added:
Ride gioca o muori (Luca Maragno / Pendragon Game Studio, Italy, 2019)
Trimau Grand Tour (Takahiro Amihoka / KogeKogeDo, Japan, 2019)
Cobbled Classic (EF Annual/Rapha, UK, 2019)
Grand Jeu Tour de France (François Paoletti / Solar Editions, France, 2019)
Jeu de cartes Publi-Star (Publi-Star / Miroir du Cyclisme, France, ca. 1960)
Tour de France 89 (Domex / Ducale, Belgium, 1989)
Telenet Fidea Cycling Team (Team Telenet-Fidea, Belgium, ca. 2015)
Jeu de tarot Le Tour (Heron, France, 1990s)
Jeu de cartes du Tour de France (Vittel / Tour de France, France, 2016)
Jeu de cartes du Tour de France (Ibis / Tour de France, France, 2017)
Gérard Porte's game (unpublished)
Andy's Tour de France game (unpublished)
Comments and/or pictures added:
Wheeling (J. Jaques & Son, London, 1896)
Le Tour de France (Stella, France, ca. 1924)
Le Tour de France (France, ca. 1933)
Le Jeu du Tour (L'Auto, France, 1937)
Le Jeu du Tour de France (Pierre Blanchet/OGEP, France, 1949)
Le Jeu du Tour de France (Tango, France, 1984)
Velo, The International Game Of Bicycle Racing (Paumar, USA, 1977)
Flamme Rouge (Asger Sams Granerud / Lautapelit, Danmark / Finland, 2016): Le Grand Tour 2018
Legenden Internationaler Radsport Quartett (Marcel Michel, Switzerland, 2015): Vol 2, 2019
Pro Cycling Trumps (Jim McLeman/Pro Cycling Trumps, United Kingdom, 2014- ): Cyclocross Edition
July 2019
Should I start a subsection of the unpublished games section called "games that only survive as a mention in literary works"?
Games added:
Jeu du Tour de France (Jean Lagniez / Editions J.L, France, ca. 1930s)
Cycle Table Cartes (SSM/T, France, 2004)
Buttoncap Cycling (Alberto Quintairos, Spain, 2019) (unpublished)
Pablo Salazar's game (unpublished)
Roger Nimier's game (unpublished)
Comments and/or pictures added:
Criterium de la Mère Picon (Fromageries PICON, France, ca. 1949)
Eddy Merckx (Pierre Neuville / City Toys, Belgium, ca.1970/2019)
Sprintop7 (formerly Sprinter3D) (Christophe Princay, Sprinter 3D INPI, France, 2007/2019)
Tour du Jour (Ben Duiverman, USA, 2014)
Pro Cycling Trumps (Jim McLeman/Pro Cycling Trumps, United Kingdom, 2014-)
March 2019
It's been quite a long time since I last updated the site. I am afraid I have been quite busy these last months. I did not even have time to prepare a Christmas present for you this year but fortunately someone did it for me. Stephen Nurse, from Australia, has updated his free downloadable game Cycle Tour and has added 3D-printable bicycle tokens. This is something new, at least in the cycling games' world. Of course, most of us do not have a 3D printer at home and we are not sure how to handle STL files, but it is probably time to start to learn. The future is here. As Armstrong (no, not Lance) would have said, "That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for the cycling board games' world".
Games added:
Lustiges Radfahrspiel von Lothar Meggendorfer (Lothar Meggendorfer, Germany, 1890s)
Corse in pista (Topolino, Italy, 1960)
Jeu de cartes de L'Équipe (L'Équipe, France, 1960)
La règle d'or (Alfred Voirin, France, 1989)
Le jeu des petits cyclistes (Dans la musette / Marabout, France, 2018)
Comments and/or pictures added:
Attack The Pack (Con Gas Games, UK, 2015)
Cycle Tour (Stephen Nurse, Australia, 2010)
Flamme Rouge (Asger Sams Granerud / Lautapelit, Danmark / Finland, 2016) (Meteo expansion)
Neues Radfahrer Spiel (Germany, ca. 1890)
Eine Deutschlandfahrt auf Phänomen Fahrrädern (Phänomen, Germany, 1938)
February 2019
My dear friend, board games' expert and collector extraordinaire Pierre Bertin passed away on february 15th. No need to say how much we will miss him. He was one of the very few people whose games I could present in this site as if they were my own games. Good examples of the breadth of the Collection Pierre et Bilou (arguably one of the best French board games collection ever assembled) are Montlhéry Record, a game of which theirs is the only known complete copy, or Jeu du Veldiv, of which they had some rare versions which I photographed for this site. Many times I tried to convince Pierre to share his knowledge and write a book about French board games. It could have been the definitive volume on the subject since he had the expertise, the games, and the ability to write. (He was a former journalist, and one of those who could really write. His emails are among the funniest and wittiest I will ever receive). Unfortunately he thought it was of no use to write such a book before he found an editor, and now all this knowledge is lost, which is not only a pity but also a shame for our cultural system. If you can find a copy of the catalogue of the 2005 exhibition of the collection at Boulogne-Billancourt you may get a pale idea of the magnitude of the loss.
Having been a professional photographer himself, Pierre Bertin was not an easy bird to photograph. Here I caught him at the 2007 cycling board games exhibition at Figueres.
October 2018
I will be very busy the next few weeks, even months, so do not expect a new update soon. Maybe not even for Christmas. In the meantime, here is an interview with yours truly in the September issue of the Turkish edition of Cyclist Magazine. It is an updated version of the interview published by Lagruppa a couple of years ago (scroll down to find it)
Click HERE to read the interview (in Turkish, of course)
Games added:
Eine Deutschlandfahrt auf Phänomen Fahrrädern (Phänomen, Germany, 1938)
Jeu du Tour de France (Almanach Rustica, France, 1956)
Mein Fahrrad (ASS, Germany, 2010s)
Comments and/or pictures added:
Los Ciclistas (see unpublished games)
August 2018
This site was launched in August 2003. We are thus celebrating our XVth anniversary. I can hardly believe it. To conmemorate the anniversary I have written a text.about the story of this collection. Furthermore I have created a new list in the categories section (under "Highlights") called "Cycling Board Games History in 20 Games" in which, as it name implies, I have chosen 20 games that are relevant for the history of cycling board games.
What is better, I have added two very old german games to the site, one of them probably the oldest game in my collection, and I have decided to make a present to you all (since I didn't last Christmas). Click HERE to download a high-resolution (12 Mb) scan of the board of Das Radfahrerspiel, suitable to be printed on an A3 (or even A2) sheet and hung on the wall, but also suited to be played if you wish to. In fact, it is better than the original (which is quite small) if you are going to play the game.
About recent "not secure" website warnings: This site is written in good old plain HTTP, and therefore it is not encrypted. The latest versions of some browsers may label this site as “not secure”. However, HTTPS and SSL certificates are only important for the transmission of private data. As long as you do not share confidential information such as passwords or credit card data, yo do not need them. Since this website does not collect personal information, does not use cookies, does not ask you to log in, and of course does not ask you for payment data since it does not sell anything, it is
perfectly safe to visit. The only possible interaction it offers is the possibility to email me. Feel free to do it if you have any questions.By the way, this page is not specially mobile-friendly either. Why should it be? I am trying to take nice BIG pictures of the games (although the older part of the site still displays smaller pictures), so sit down before a big screen and enjoy them.
Games added:Das Radfahrerspiel (Germany, 1880s)
Neues Radfahrer Spiel (Germany, ca. 1890)
Comments and/or pictures added:
Breaking Away (John Harrington, Fiendish Games, UK, 1996 / New Games Order, Japan, 2015)
Sverigeloppet (Bertil Almqvist / Aristospel, Sweden, ca. 1960)
Texts/lists added:
How It All Began: the history of this website
Cycling Board Games History in 20 Games
June 2018
There is a nice article about this website, "Huge Collection of Cycling-Themed Board Games Guaranteed to Take Your Breath Away ", by Frantiska Blazkova, on It was published in september, but I had not found it until now.
On a different level, I have also found -and purchased- these small (3 cms) English turn-of-the-century tin riders. Of course, I try not to buy incomplete games if I can help it, and these cyclists might count as one as they surely belonged to a board game (which reminds me I should do something about the figurines page). I have a clue about which board game they belong to, but I am not really sure. If you know better, please drop me a line.
As well as trying not to buy incomplete games, I also try not to buy pages torn from magazines (as I believe this encourages unscrupulous sellers to destroy the original magazines). However, I have broken my rules again (rules are OK as long as you can break them when you need to) and I have added to the site two East German Friedensfahrt-themed games that, well, are taken from magazines. Needless to say, I would like to find the complete magazines.
I have changed the order of the games in the "all the games" page. The games used to be in random order, and that was fine enough. Now they are in (roughly) the order in which they entered this site (with the oldest on top).
Finally, as I promised quite a long time ago, I have moved the games still remaining in the card games section to the main section (which is the mentioned "all the games"), and I have created a page for each of them. However, I did not have time to add many new comments. Maybe someday.
Game added:Gänsespiel Würfelspiel (Leonard Kahn, Germany, ca. 1910)
6-Tage-Rennen (Rudolf Arnold Verlag, East Germany, 1940s)
Teddy Tail's Cycle Game (Daily Mail, UK, 1934)
Unsere Friedensfahrt Warschaw-Berlin-Prag (Jürgen Kieser/Wochenpost, East Germany, 1958)
Auf den Strassen des Friedens (Fröhlich sein und singen, East Germany, 1959)
Vuelta al Cacao Solís (Solís, Spain, ca. 1970)
BMC Racing Team Quartett 2011 (BMC, Switzerland, 2011)
Comments and/or pictures added:
Pocket Sports Cycling Tour (Hamish Sterling/Pocket Sports, Australia, 2015)
Pro Cycling Trumps (Jim McLeman/Pro Cycling Trumps, United Kingdom, 2014-)
April 2018
Games added:Rush 15-20 (Izel, France, 1960s)
Le jeu du Tour (Proté / Miroir du Cyclisme, France, 1983)
The Race for the Life-Sized City (Mikael Colville-Andersen, Erik Griswold & Dough Gordon / Copenhagenize, Danmark, 2014)
December 2017
Christmas present! A print-and-play version of the 1963 East Germany non-luck dependant game Jagd Über Etappen. I hope you enjoy it. Click on the image above to download the game (pdf, 4MB).
Tim Krabbé's book "De Veertiende Etappe" has been translated into Spanish under the title "La Etapa Decimocuarta". Now that I have been able to read the whole book I can only recommend it (and not just because there is a chapter dedicated to this site ;-) and add that it is a pity that it is not translated to other languages.
I have reordered the links section. Someday I will get rids of broken links and add some missing sites.
Games added:Warsaw - Berlin - Prague 1952 (Herbie Sykes / Rapha, UK, 2016)
Passquartett (Gaspare and Pietro Loderer, Switzerland, 2017)
Flamme Rouge: Peloton (Asger Sams Granerud / Lautapelit, Danmark / Finland, 2017)
Comments and/or pictures added:
Giro d'Italia Lion Noir (Luigi Biffi/Lion Noir, Italy, 1919)
Jagd Über Etappen (Si-Si, East Germany, 1963)
November 2017
You will notice that I am adding a couple of mechanical games. Of course these are not exactly "board games". That is why I used to have them in the "toys & curiosities" section. However, I have decided to create a new "mechanical games" section for this kind of games. I hope you do not mind ;-)
Games added:Il Giuoco del Velodromo (Creazioni Cicogna, Italy, 1950s)
3-2-1-Start (Sel-Mac, Spain, 1950s)
Carrera Ciclista (Borlino, Spain, 1960s)
Comments and/or pictures added:
Velodromo Cicogna (Edizioni Cicogna, Italy, 1930s)
Il Giuoco del Velodromo (Creazioni Cicogna, Italy, 1960s)
Corse (Italy, 1960s)
Flamme Rouge (Asger Sams Granerud / Lautapelit, Danmark / Finland, 2016)
August 2017
Games' collector extraordinaire François Cardinet (wearing a cap) and yours truly (in a Flamme Rouge t-shirt) riding a tandem:
Games added:
La Grande Boucle (Robert Lepage/Plastibor, France, 1958)
Ciclorama (Fagis Giocs, Italy, 1966)
Superjuego Ciclista (O & D Diseño Pamplona / Juegos Recreativos Garate, Spain, 2000s)
Le Tour De France (Hulst Games/Just Games, Netherlands, 2017)
Á la conquête du maillot jaune (Joan/Spirou, Belgium, 2017)
Tour de France, the European Bicycle Racing Game (unpublished)
Comments and/or pictures added:
Flamme Rouge (Asger Sams Granerud / Lautapelit, Danmark / Finland, 2016)
Linkeballen (Hulst Games, Netherlands, 2015)
June 2017
I have been waiting for a couple of games to arrive so that I could include them in the June update of the website, but they are not here yet. However I may update the site again before the start of the Tour de France if they finally arrive, since both are Tour de France-related games.
Games added:Nos cyclistes à travers la France et la Belgique (Saussine, France, 1890s)
Giro Ciclistico d'Italia (Elah / Arethusa, Italy, 1956)
Závod Míru (Czechoslovakia, 1957)
Glory Gears (Alex Bishop / MindMeltGames, USA, 2017)
Comments and/or pictures added:
Bikee (C.W. Faulkner & Co, UK, 1899) Added: modern reprint
Tour de Suisse (Emil Huber / Trüb / Hofmann, Switzerland, 1934) Added: original De Luxe version
Tour de Francia (Lizarraga, Spain, ca. 1956)
April 2017
There are more and more cycling-related card games, some of them really beautiful. I used to list them all together, but It does't not make much sense anymore. Even though they are not properly "board games", from now on expect to find a page for every card game, and to have them listed in the main section. However, the older card games will remain in the card games section until I have time to do justice to each one.
I have added a couple of games that are reprinted in the book Il gioco dell'Oca; Un libro da leggere, da guardare, da giocare (see bibliography). I am not breaking my rule of featuring only games that I have in my collection or, at least, that I have photographed myself personally, since this is a large book that reproduces the games in a playable format.
Games added:
Course Michelin (Genilloud/Michelin, France, 1894 / reprinted in the book Il gioco dell'Oca, 1981)
Giro d'Italia Lion Noir (Luigi Biffi/Lion, Noir, Italy, 1919 / reprinted in the book Il gioco dell'Oca, 1981)
Legenden Internationaler Radsport Quartett (Marcel Michel, Switzerland, 2015)
Rondespel (Vlaanderens Mooiste Spel) (Belgium, 2016)
Coup de Bordure (Jérôme Kaplan, France, 2017) (unpublished - rules available to download)
Comments and/or pictures added:
Bicycle Race (UK, ca. 1900)
Breaking Away (John Harrington, Fiendish Games, UK, 1996)
Flamme Rouge (Asger Sams Granerud / Lautapelit, Danmark / Finland, 2016)
Giro D'Italia (Esploriamo, 1959) Mistery solved!
Il Giro d'Italia! (Casa Editrice Astorina, Italy, ca. 1958)
La Grande Boucle (Phil Riviere, Downey Games, 2008 / free download, 2011)
Great Bicycle Road Race Game (Royal Series Of Games, UK, ca. 1910)
Pro Cycling Trumps (Jim McLeman/Pro Cycling Trumps, United Kingdom, 2014-)
Pluto Big Bike Race Game (Western Publishing Company/Walt Disney, USA, 1974)
Tour de France (Homas Spelen, Netherlands, ca. 1966)
Wieler Sport-Spel (J. Vlieger / De Lage Landen, Netherlands, 1891 / 1972)
February 2017
I have been quite busy lately, and I have not had time to update the site. I do not have many new games to add, but I have some comments on games, new pictures, details, etc... that some pople have sent (thanks, guys!) or that I have found by myself. I am afraid you will have to wait.
However, I told you not to miss the December edition of the Cycling World Magazine. I did not tell you why, but some of you guessed it: this website appeared on the Christmas Edition of the magazine.
You can download the PDF here.
November 2016
Tip: Do not miss the December edition of the Cycling World Magazine.More about it soon ;-)
Games added:Die Radrennbahn (Likuna, Germany, 1910s)
Simplex Spel (Daan Hoeksema / Simplex Fabrieken , Netherlands, ca 1930)
Sverige Loppet (Bertil Almqvist / Aristospel, Sweden, ca. 1960)
Flamme Rouge (Asger Sams Granerud / Lautapelit, Danmark / Finland, 2016)
Spinoly (unpublished)
Veldiv Femenino (Alberto Quintairos, Spain) (unpublished)
Comments and/or pictures added:Tour de France (Plasman, France, 1960s)
Boosting Bike (Josephus Noben, Belgium, 2014)
Linkeballen (Hulst Games, Netherlands, 2015)
Eric Fottorino's game (unpublished)
October 2016
A new cycling game "FLAMME ROUGE" will be presented at the Essen fair. The game designer, Asger Sans Granerud, will be demoing the game (at least) on Friday (15h00-16h00) and Saturday (10h00-12h00) at the Lautapeli booth (Hall 3, booth L-116). I needed an excuse like this to attend the fair, and this year I am not missing it. If you happen to be around, I hope we can meet there.
back to main page
PS: I have already received my copy of the game. It looks great and plays even better. Soon on this site! If you cannot wait, you can download the game's rules here.
August 2016
A few months ago I was interviewed by Ali Sinan Deniz and Selman Baydar for the Turkish online cycling magazine La Gruppa. However, I was not aware that the interview had already been published. Finally, here it is. Let me warn you that (a) the interview is in Turkish, naturally, and (b) Google Translator is not always that good with Turkish. The pictures are nice, though ;-)
Games added:
Holland Wielersport (C.J.J. Dalmeijer, Netherlands, 1940s)
A Qui Le Tour? (Guillaume Nanot / Apicoove, France, 2016)
Cycling Heroes. Who Is The Fastest? (Winning Moves, UK, 2015) (under card games)
Comments and/or pictures added:Wieler Sport-Spel (J. Vlieger / De Lage Landen, Netherlands, 1891 / 1972)
Die Rad-Wettfahrt (Oehmigke und Riemschneider, Germany, 1910s)
Les 6 Jours de Paris (Gérard Bliekast, France, 1934)
Jeu du Rallye-Cycliste (Chambre Syndicale du Cycle et du Motocycle, France, 1930s)
Sprint / La Gran Vuelta Ciclista En Casa (Spain, 1995)
Unpublished games:
I added a new picture to the velodrome game I added in june, and I have started a new section for games about which I have very little documentation but which I feel it is important to document nonetheless. I have also added a picture of Ludo Nauws' fantastic wooden velodrome.
July 2016
I went to see the Tour: Here I am in my Arrivée jersey on the Peyresourde climb with my nephew Nicolau.
(PS: We are not the ones who painted "Valverde" on the road...)
Games added:
Velodrome (Jack Jaffe, UK, 2014)
Tour Du Jour (Tulip Games/RTL7, Netherlands, 2015)
Climbs (Jim McLeman/Pro Cycling Trumps, UK, 2016)Unpublished velodrome game (France) (unpublished)
Comments and/or pictures added:Le Jeu du Tour de France (Pierre Blanchet/OGEP, France, 1949)
Pro Cycling Trumps: 2016 Women (under card games)
June 2016
Games added:
Bicycleclub (Æ, Germany, ca. 1900)
Sechstage-Rennen (Fritz Homann A.G., Germany, 1926)
Jeu du Tour de France Butagaz (Butagaz, France, 1936)
Les Six Jours de Paris (Pierre Aroutcheff / Jeux & Stratégie, France, 1984)
Gépat (Gépat / Sprint International, France, 1980s)
Le Jeu des 7 Familles du Peloton (Pif Gadget, France, 1989) (under card games)
Cyclisme-Question (CB Créations, France, 1997)Flamme Rouge (unpublished)
Comments and/or pictures added:Le Petit Vélodrome (Sporlux, France)
Mountain Bikes (F.X. Schmidt, Germany) (under card games)
April 2016
Although I have more games to add, and although this site is mainly about board games not card games, I could not wait to include the two new Pro Cycling Trups decks. Keep an eye on the site for the other news.
Games added:Pro Cycling Trumps. 2016 edition (Pro Cycling Trumps, United Kingdom, 2016) (under card games)
Pro Cycling Trumps. Track Edition (Pro Cycling Trumps, United Kingdom, 2016) (under card games)
March 2016
This is getting serious! Master thesis by Sandra Lieners "Cyclomanie im Spiel. Radfahrer/innen in europäischen und amerikanischen Brettspielen von 1885 bis 1910", which focuses on focuses on the significance of cycling as a cultural and social activity based on European and American board games. A major work on the subject. I have not read it yet (almost 300 pages in German... it will take some time) but I am proud to have helped with a few pictures. You can download it here.
Games added:6-Tage-Rennen mit Rundengewinn (Ruro-Spiele, Germany, 1920s)
Das Dansommer Radtour-Spiel (Dansommer, Germany, ca. 2000)
Attack The Pack (Con Gas Games, UK, 2015)
Le Tour de France - La boite à quizz (Jean Paul Ollivier / Marabout, France, 2015)
A couple of games added to the unpublished games section. In the book "C'est Mon Tour" (Eden, 2003), a compilation of Tour de France souvenirs by French writers, there are two descriptions of games played in their childhoods by Eric Fottorino and Gérard Mordillat. Fottorino also mentions his game in the book "Petit éloge de la bicyclette" (Folio2€, 2007). Both games have some similarities, using metal riders they already had (that was France) and a couple of dice. What strikes me most is that both use 2 dice to move riders. The games I used to invent when I was a kid used one one die. My guess is that in Spain anybody doing a similar game would use just one die, while I am not so sure in other countries. I would love to hear your opinion about it, and to know if you made similar games.
Éric Fottorino's game
Gerard Mordillat's game
Comments and/or pictures added:Le Petit Vélodrome (Sporlux, France)
January 2016
Happy new year everybody! My Christmas present arrives a little late, and it is not properly a board game, but if you click here you will find the jerseys of the 24 teams that took part in the 2015 Tour de France or Vuelta a España (sorry for the italian friends who would have prefered the Giro). They are formatted to make a memory game. You just have to print them twice, cut them and paste onto something rigid and with homogeneous back (the easiest solution, of course is to use an old memory game if you happen to have one of the right size).
Games added:Tour d'Autriche 2014 (Radlobby Österreich, Austria, 2014)
Sicher auf dem Fahrrad (Angelika Will & Jürgen Lange/ASS, Germany, 1991)
Comments and/or pictures added (and a mystery solved!):Butagaz, le Tour de France du premier butane français (Butagaz, France, 1934)
Le Tour Butagaz (Butagaz, France, 1935)
L'Échappée Infernale (Jérôme Valadie/Varo Éditions, France, 2001)
L'Échappée Infernale (version 2009) (Jérôme Valadie/Varo Éditions, France, 2009)
A year has passed since the Charlie Hebdo killings.
Here is a cycling-game-related drawing by Tignous.
>>> news 2011-2015